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Post by oldtanker » Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:11 pm

digitup2 wrote:I cant help think most parents have not helped create this mess as well I have had six or seven young first jobbers start recently and had to send them home you don't work for me with your pants crotch down by your knees and the last one thought he had a management job from the get go that didn't go over well with the management [ME]I find most parents don't want their kid working too hard .Responsibility is also not taught to most young kids as they can stand and watch you work all day .Digitup.
How true. By the time I retired from the Army in 96 the Army was having to teach many hours of finicial managmnet and check balancing classes starting in basic traing. And we still had trouble with these kids who by regulations had to have bank account and some means of getting at thier money if deployed (check book or debit card). At the time 3 bad checks in 3 months and it was out the door you went. The one thing the Army couldn't teach the kids that they should have learned at home was RESPONSIBILTY! And believe me it wasn't cause they were bad kids as such.


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Post by 1949JDMC » Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:16 pm

Well I'm 15 and I like to think that I'm a little different from the rest of the population of teen-agers; most of the kids in my grade have no idea what it means to use their mussels to work, most of them have jobs at McDonalds, and brag. I'm still recovering from this summer I made almost $4000 dollars working at $10/hour. I now have about 40-50 kords of firewood under my belt and I aint even breathed a singel word to any of them!

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Post by digitup2 » Sat Nov 27, 2010 4:51 pm

When I was 15 I had a 310A backhoe and a 450B dozer and was making a whole 300 bucks a day moving dirt but it was a good living .I know I am still digging holes and filling them in but I dont think I am having the fun I had back then .I dont get to run the equipment too long till I am running after more work or trying to keep a job site going or trying to get a customer on side .I don't think I will do anything different in the near future but dam I think real often about selling every thing off but a machine or two and taking a break .I tried to take holidays several years ago but found that I worked harder trying to take time off than actual work.then found myself sitting around doing nothing but worrying about what was going on back at the shop or job site.Others holiday I work not hard or nothin but I guess steady .I find others need a rest but not this guy I know when to take it easy and others know when to step in and take the wheel when I don't take it easy .Last week Scott came in and took over the excavator and said you are wanted at the shop so I hustled it back to find the better half ready to do lunch and it lasted all afternoon .I did stop on two job sites and see just how things were going I needed that I think you just have to find a point where you can actually relax and work I just don't know how to do both at the same time .Digitup.

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Post by 1949JDMC » Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:30 pm

Well, I just bought a 1964 Kenworth W800 Dump truck, and I started a little business with that , and my 1991 case 580K Backhoe :D

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Post by digitup2 » Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:39 pm

A 58 0K you say had two of them they both acted like bicycles and I layed bothon there sidesThe only two machines I ever rolled.They are one of CASE's better hoes though I never owned a Case that I liked or a komatsu either .Digitup.

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Post by 1949JDMC » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:04 pm

i cant stand komatsu, but i like my Case, but they are pretty tippy espically on B.C.'s coast...all hills

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Post by townlineterry » Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:13 pm

Spring is here!, Got my first job seeker of the year today.

This yodelhead calls me at 10 am on Sunday morning looking for a job, the perfect time. Yes?

At 10 in the mornging he is already, or still, drunk, slurring his words, barely coherent.

Tells me he had to surrender his drivers license, second DUI. He has no recent work history because he is on disability, but is willing to work under the table and he is, in his own words, '" a hell of an operator, and that's no lie."

Does he sound like a keeper?

Almost thought it was a joke, except he lives down the road from my son who tells the dudes for real.


PS. Honest to god, I am not makeing these people up. Do other people go thru this , or all all the wackos seeking me out?

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Post by digitup2 » Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:51 pm

Last spring I hired from a equipment operators school [ Yes we now have licenses in Ontario for this stuff ]both screwed up big time the first day I went to the job site with one and told him look the foundation is still green and if you back fill this don't push straight on go at an angle and just let dirt fall gently against the wall he pushes directly against and even spins the tracks against the wall so I showed him to get close and let dirt fall against easy then get the heck out of there don't pack it he says to me .That's what I was doing!I decided he was a laborer at best and gave him a trench job he was to stand on the tile and make sure all dirt went back in OK.Well he stood there all right and I buried him against the wall the next blade full darn good thing I pushed it in nice and gentle I think it is like Truck driving school take there money and run let someone else put up with it I am fairly fortunate I have two drainage crews I can pick some good workers out of but no one has any respect for them self's let alone the next guy that hires them and you have to put me on that new Dozer because I am a licensed operator!The other one was sent home by my little brother at 8;30 am so he didn't last long either .I can put young guys on backhoes and tractors on the drainage crews and soon tell if they can cut it .Get good on the back hoe you can start on a dozer or excavator fairly quickly around us .But as for schooling no you just get the want to be operators .No teacher can convey the smarts needed on a job site you really got to start from the ground up and leave a lot of them standing on the ground .Digitup.

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Post by townlineterry » Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:18 pm

I guess what goes around does really come around. The kid that started me off on this rant got his. This was the guy that welded and tanned at the same time and was stealing my tools and cash.

While he was working for me a neighbor's camp was broken into and a hand gun stolen. At the time we figured it was the dirtball but of course couldn't prove it. Couple of months ago his ex turned him in for the gun. He just got sentenced on the burlary charge 8 months to 3 years. Still has to face the gun charge..

Plus, while awaiting sentencing he was released to his fathers custody. He stole a check from his father, forged in and used the money to by oxycotn on a forged persciption.

Got afeeling he is going to be very popular in prison, sure that he will love it.

be kind and do good things, otherwise your karma just might bite you in the ass.


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Post by oldtanker » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:34 am

Kinda forgot about it it till a couple of days ago.....while working in the computer repair field about 12 years ago.....several people dropped off resumes. 1st was from a guys mom who came in and dropped it off for her son. Next was a retired Navy Chief who dropped his off with coffee stains on it.

A local guy here has a farm chemical route that covers part of MN and most of ND. He was in Bismark ND about 2 months ago and listen to 2 of ND's law makers at breakfast talking about jobs in ND. The first said "I'm proud when talking to politicians from others states to point out that our unemplyoment is only a little over 3%". The other one told him "I'm ashamed of that number, that means that 3% of our people don't want to work"! Now thats a politician I could vote for!


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Post by JD440ICD2006 » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:02 am

I trust that all of you are doing the things that make you happy and allow precious time with family and friends.
Anyone that is "waiting" until they turn 65 or so to do these things are likely going to be grossly disappointed. And if making money is the thing that takes most of your time, there is not enough money in the world to buy the simple things in life that truly allow us to share happiness.
Remember, time is one of the things that can NEVER be made up. You cannot save it up and then share it all in one lump.
65 (or even older) is simply a government/insurance calculation of a retirement age. It allows them to pay out the least amount as they have done their homework on how long we will live on average.
1959 JD 440ICD w/64 Power Angle Tilt Blade
1959 JD 440ICD w/63 Manual Angle Blade
1959 JD 440IC w/602 Manual Angle Blade
1959 JD 730D W SE (many options)
1950 JD M S w/M-20 Mower
1952 JD M W
1955 FORD 640 (burns the most fuel)

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Post by digitup2 » Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:15 pm

So well said my father in law died of a hart attack at the back of the farm as his first pension cheque layed in the mail box at the front of the farm .he died 3 days after his 65th birthday and didn't get to cash in one pension cheque . Digitup.

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