This global warming thing is down right cold...

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This global warming thing is down right cold...

Post by amos » Thu Jan 04, 2018 7:37 am

Morning All,
I'm in Texas and it's been in the mid to low teens for lows last several days and 20's to low 30's for last few weeks:pretty sure this is called "winter".Wife says she wants to drive and see snow and I keep telling her if it's snowing it is also cold AND wet so look at computer instead.Friends here talk about minus temps and snow and ice to deal with:ya'll have my sympathy.
Supposed to warm up a bit next week to lows in 40's and highs approaching 60:more than ready for that.
I build HVAC coils for a living and the $$$ to afford parts for my oversized Tonka toys. This is actually one of our busier times of the year since we build hot water and steam coils for heating applications.If any or your machines have a heating system from Aqua-Hot,ITR,or Heatercraft Marine you have one of my coils.If you want a nice quality heating unit all 3 have web-sites btw.
Anyway stay warm,work safe and would someone please turn the sun's heat up a bit...
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Re: This global warming thing is down right cold...

Post by 77 Ford » Thu Jan 04, 2018 8:06 am

I'm convinced you cant turn the heat up....the pilot it out!!!!

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Re: This global warming thing is down right cold...

Post by dtoots1 » Thu Jan 04, 2018 8:19 am

well folks....these politicians certainly don't pay attention....any grade school kid can tell you that Mother Earth been around for something like 3 billion years doing this. I am just very glad that we don't get that mile thick glacier she's been adoing when she has a mind to!!! and yes she has been melting those polar ice caps periodically as well. Even got to blame the cows after slaughtering something like 50 million buffalo producing the same thing!!!

by the way...we pay them!! so if they can't do job intelligently, vote them out!

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Re: This global warming thing is down right cold...

Post by Stan Disbrow » Thu Jan 04, 2018 9:08 am


There was something about a Viking sailing over here around the year 1000 and finding that Greenland was green....

There was something about the Irish coming to the New World because cooling caused their potatoes to rot....

The Titanic hit an iceberg because the glaciers were melting....

Looks like a cyclic pattern to me.

All one need do is look at the fusion reactor output fluctuations and couple that with volcanic activity and you pretty much have it covered.

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Re: This global warming thing is down right cold...

Post by Ray III » Thu Jan 04, 2018 9:15 am

The latest theory from the AL Gore types is that melting Arctic ice is screwing up the air currents, causing the cold to be brought south.

If you look at their maps of global temperature though, it is ONLY occurring here in the US. We are expected to believe that the entire rest of the world is warming. Very convenient indeed.

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Re: This global warming thing is down right cold...

Post by hydrogeo » Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:03 am

Around here, moose population is down over 50% in the last 20 years, there are ticks are showing up like crazy when I never had even one on me as a kid, warm water fish like tuna are showing up off the coast where the cod used to be thick, and the oak trees are creeping north replacing the beech, birch, and sugar maples. Say what you want, but things are clearly changing.

The idea of limiting carbon emissions to control climate change (sorry, the science is absolutely bullet proof even if you choose to ignore it) it is absolutely no different then the idea of issuing hunting licenses instead of just walking out and shooting as many deer as you want. I don't hear many of my friends complaining about being limited to shooting a couple deer a year, nor do I hear people complain about buying a hunting license. Its about controlling a resource in a growing population. It's a good solid conservative principal.

I have no idea why folks equate this to a liberal vs. conservative issue. That's just dumb. I am a fiscally conservative republican by principle, but have a masters degree in geology and I have seen enough with my own two eyes to fully buy in to the "liberal" conclusions that everybody on the right bashes. Sorry folks, global warming is real and happening. It is not a liberal or conservative problem, its everybody's problem. It's not going to hit us older codgers but it will impact our kids, and it makes me sad that good folks put their heads in the sand just because a blow hard like Al Gore (I can't stand the guy) gives us folks that believe in the science a bad rep.

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Re: This global warming thing is down right cold...

Post by dtoots1 » Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:45 am

Well folks of course things are changing, as they always are, yes there is nothing wrong with being conservative, as i am sure everyone one on here has been or is, and YES of course it is our kids and grandkids and their grandkids that end up paying the price. Quite simply the population of the world has a great impact on all of us....that population also includes all your animals and BUGS which also produce co2 and consume oxygen. As individuals we can only do our own parts as our conscience perceives.

Mother Earth has her own agenda, as the feller upstairs has his....we can only do the best we can do, and try to adapt to these changes.

I for one will continue to run my 2cyl jd440 even though probably is not in compliance with the environmental pollution laws and enjoy it as am sure we all will.

Have a wonderful NEW YEAR!

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Re: This global warming thing is down right cold...

Post by CuttingEdge » Fri Jan 05, 2018 4:58 am

I think this is just God laughing at Al Gore and his cronies.

The same guy that claims the world now has a heating blanket on it, and mankind is the culprit, has a $5,000 a month electric bill, and claims seas will rise to catastrophic levels, has a mansion on the California coast.

Even worse was the Paris Accord; an agreement that would cost billions of dollars per year in costs to industry, and yet only net 1/2 a degree (f) in the year 2100. It does not take a lot of business savvy to realize that return on investment is not good.

I have no intention of traveling to my grave in a well manicured body; instead I am going to slide into heaven with a big power turn, totally wore out with busted knuckles, jump off my dozer loudly yelling, Woo Hoo, another Shepard has just arrived!

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Re: This global warming thing is down right cold...

Post by Ray III » Fri Jan 05, 2018 6:23 am

hydrogeo wrote:
Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:03 am

The idea of limiting carbon emissions to control climate change (sorry, the science is absolutely bullet proof even if you choose to ignore it) it is absolutely no different then the idea of issuing hunting licenses instead of just walking out and shooting as many deer as you want. I don't hear many of my friends complaining about being limited to shooting a couple deer a year, nor do I hear people complain about buying a hunting license. Its about controlling a resource in a growing population. It's a good solid conservative principal.
Not quite. When you are on your own private property you can shoot all the deer you like. I sometimes go camping on state land and I have absolutely no problem following the rules and respecting the trees and such. But when I get back home and I want to burn construction debris and brush and tires, I expect to be left alone to take care of my own business.

Yes, there is a valid argument for controlling CO2 emissions "just in case." But at what cost, and for what benefit? Is it worth the price of our liberty, and probably that of our children and their children, to take actions in support of a theory that cannot be proven in a laboratory? Even if man was causing some of these changes and not natural causes, does man truly have the power to stop it? I ask that we not put a bullet in the prisoner's head until he has been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt...

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Re: This global warming thing is down right cold...

Post by amos » Fri Jan 05, 2018 7:28 am

It would appear I have opened a big ol can of political worms with my post. Sorry about that.Just an observation: as world population has increased(some would argue exponentially) the people require more resources:food,shelter,goods,infrastructure,etc. This has been met at a cost with more mining,more resource use,more land converted to support housing,etc.
The one question never answered is who will decide what people are allowed to live and prosper and what people will be left to figure out their own means of survival.
Both China and India have unsustainable populations and are highly polluted because of that. China is branching out to buy means of feeding their population via mega land grabs as well as buying sources of minerals and fuel.
India has not attempted expansion(can't afford it) and simply continues to pack more and more people into the same area:already reached critical mass as all major waterways are too polluted to use for drinking water and something as simple as dysentery is a major health crises there.
Here in the U.S. some think taxes and mega-regulation is the answer. Make utilities more expensive and people will use less. Make CO2 emissions a controlled pollutant and a new tax revenue stream is discovered.
In the north people to struggle to pay already high utility bills in the winter not because they are wasteful but because they need heat to survive. In my beloved Texas A/C is not a luxury when the temp is 105 and the humidity is +60%: heat stroke kills just as effectively as freezing to death.
What is the ultimate answer? I really don't know. What I know for sure is the current trend on world population growth is not sustainable.
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Re: This global warming thing is down right cold...

Post by 77 Ford » Fri Jan 05, 2018 8:28 am

I believe the climate changes in cycles that I can see in decades, I'm sure it cycles in centuries that are measurable now that we keep good records. I also believe it cycles in millenniums that we have glimpse and clues about. How do we know what the cycles truly are? The scientist are telling us the world is warming, the same people who thought the world was cooling in the 70's and we should put coal dust on the polar caps to raise the earth's temperature. Then you couple in they are constantly being exposed for either bad data collection or out right lying and I have little to no faith in any of them.

That being said, do I think recycling is bad? Nope, I do it when it's semi convenient. Am I opposed to increasing fuel standards? Nope, not within reason but saying 54.5 mpg by 2025 is pretty unrealistic. Could every care be made to do 54.5 sure but at what cost? Driving around in death trap micro cars Or cars that double or triple in cost? Count me out.

I hope as time progress and people realize the dire projections (hokey stick graph) made by so many are not even coming close to being true it will temper (that's a pun!) everyone expectations and goals. AT the end of the day I want the earth to be as snazzy and fun for my great grand kids as it was for me.
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Re: This global warming thing is down right cold...

Post by hydrogeo » Fri Jan 05, 2018 9:17 am

amos wrote:
Fri Jan 05, 2018 7:28 am
It would appear I have opened a big ol can of political worms with my post. Sorry about that.Just an observation: as world population has increased(some would argue exponentially) the people require more resources:food,shelter,goods,infrastructure,etc. This has been met at a cost with more mining,more resource use,more land converted to support housing,etc.
The one question never answered is who will decide what people are allowed to live and prosper and what people will be left to figure out their own means of survival.
Both China and India have unsustainable populations and are highly polluted because of that. China is branching out to buy means of feeding their population via mega land grabs as well as buying sources of minerals and fuel.
India has not attempted expansion(can't afford it) and simply continues to pack more and more people into the same area:already reached critical mass as all major waterways are too polluted to use for drinking water and something as simple as dysentery is a major health crises there.
Here in the U.S. some think taxes and mega-regulation is the answer. Make utilities more expensive and people will use less. Make CO2 emissions a controlled pollutant and a new tax revenue stream is discovered.
In the north people to struggle to pay already high utility bills in the winter not because they are wasteful but because they need heat to survive. In my beloved Texas A/C is not a luxury when the temp is 105 and the humidity is +60%: heat stroke kills just as effectively as freezing to death.
What is the ultimate answer? I really don't know. What I know for sure is the current trend on world population growth is not sustainable.
Very well said, could not agree with this more.

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Re: This global warming thing is down right cold...

Post by hydrogeo » Fri Jan 05, 2018 9:25 am

Ray III wrote:
Fri Jan 05, 2018 6:23 am
hydrogeo wrote:
Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:03 am

The idea of limiting carbon emissions to control climate change (sorry, the science is absolutely bullet proof even if you choose to ignore it) it is absolutely no different then the idea of issuing hunting licenses instead of just walking out and shooting as many deer as you want. I don't hear many of my friends complaining about being limited to shooting a couple deer a year, nor do I hear people complain about buying a hunting license. Its about controlling a resource in a growing population. It's a good solid conservative principal.
Not quite. When you are on your own private property you can shoot all the deer you like. I sometimes go camping on state land and I have absolutely no problem following the rules and respecting the trees and such. But when I get back home and I want to burn construction debris and brush and tires, I expect to be left alone to take care of my own business.

Yes, there is a valid argument for controlling CO2 emissions "just in case." But at what cost, and for what benefit? Is it worth the price of our liberty, and probably that of our children and their children, to take actions in support of a theory that cannot be proven in a laboratory? Even if man was causing some of these changes and not natural causes, does man truly have the power to stop it? I ask that we not put a bullet in the prisoner's head until he has been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt...
Ok, so what if your neighbor decides to burn tires for weeks on end, and your wife and kids can't breathe because the smoke keeps filling up the house? I'm not trying to sound snide, but there needs to be some regulation.

My post wasn't meant to offend anyone, and again for the record I can't stand Al Gore, I think he is one of the biggest money grubbing hypocrites out there. My point is that there are a few of us right-leaning, gun loving, fossil fuel consuming folk out there that do in fact believe man-induced climate change is real, and that there is in fact something that can be done about it. I really hope that our kids and grandkids aren't left to look back at us and hang their heads in shame that we didn't take care of this place for them.

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Re: This global warming thing is down right cold...

Post by Ray III » Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:58 pm

No one is upset, it's all good.

I agree that your smoke, nor any other byproduct of your activities, should affect neighbors. But does it do harm to others to produce CO2? That can't clearly be seen.

We have made great strides in energy efficiency in the last decade, and I think that such technological advances will ultimately put the issue to rest. I just hope we don't inherit any more laws by the time we get there. When you do not have the choice to buy incandescent lightbulbs alongside the new LED bulbs, it kind of makes you question whether we still live in a free country.

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