Rudolph reexamined

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Rudolph reexamined

Post by townlineterry » Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:55 pm

As Christmas decends on us in a mountain of toxic plastic Chinese crap and bad country music Christmas albums, let us ponder a moment the lesson from our Christmas stories. In particular Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer. What is the story really about?

Rudolph, as we know had a very shiney nose, in fact you could even say it glowed. It could have been an accident, a birth defect or genetic engineering gone terribly wrong, we just don't know. anyhow through no fault of his own Rudy was different.

Did he get any sympathy from the other reindeer, any empathy? No, they teased him and would not let him play in any reindeer games.

So we have BULLYING. Does Rudy stand up for himself? No, he choses to wallow in the culture of VICTIMHOOD and SELF PITY.

Did Santa put a stop to this? No, he chose to ignore the situation and be an ENABLER.

Mrs. Clause isn't mentioned, she chose to ignore the whole thing because she was in DENIAL.

So, comes that foggy Christmas Eve when Santa and the reindeer find out they need Rudy after all. Now everybody is Rudys freind, like the SOCIOPATHS that they are they don't even apologize and take it for granted Rudy will help them out.

If Rudy had any selfrespect left he would have told Stanta "screw you round boy, crash and burn." But suffering from LOW SELFESTEEM and DEPENDENT PERSONALITY he just can't wait to used.

And what was so important that Santa couldn't wait for better weather?
So all the SPOILED, OVERINDULGED little children could wake on Christmas Day with more STUFF. That's right more STUFF, they just gotta have more STUFF to feed their EXTERNAL VALIDATION

The most important lesson, however, isn't mentioned in the song, ALWAYS WATCH YOUR BACK. I have it on good authority that after that famous Chirstmas, Santa got a killer deal on fog lights on sale. No longer having any need for rednosed reindeer NewYears dinner at the North Pole included Roast of Rudolph.

Happy Holidays


PS with life lessons like this our kids will turn out just fine, after all we did.

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