HSUS – Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

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Post by townlineterry » Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:19 am

True about deer starving on a full stomach. They have a four chambered stomach, digestion is done by bacteria that secrete the enzymes that actually break the food down. If they don't have enough of the proper bacteria they can't digest the food. It takes them awhile to make the adjustment. A deer that has been feeding in your corn or hay field right along or at a backyard feeding station will do okay. A woods deer however will probably not be able to make the adjustment in time.

Most of the artifical feeding programs don't start until it is to late, they make may make people feel good but usally are just a waste of time and money that would be better spent on habitat improvement.

See, my college education wasn't totally wasted. I remember a few things.

Here's another clueless city slicker story (hey, there's an idea for another thread). This dude moved up here from Pittsburgh few years back. Thought it would be a cool idea to feed bear in his yard. Neighbors warned him not to, but what did they know? He was reported to the game warden but he managed to hide the evidence. This went on until he had 14 bears coming regular to his house and one ripped off the backdoor. Then he demanded that the game warden do something, managed to get a big write up in one of the papers on how the game commission wasn,t doing its job.

They had to trap out the bear and relocate them, they did finally fine the dude,(he was being persecuted by the government now). His fines didn't anywhere cover the cost of the whole fiasco.


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Post by roadbuilder » Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:16 am

I use grass hay as mulching on my projects. Whenever someone sees me doing this, they always make a comment about baiting elk. The elk don't seem to bother it though. I think it's because they have plenty of their usual food growing, or at least moist. The elk out where I'm mulching get live grass from along the roadsides. If they were starving though, I'm sure they'd try to eat it.
Don't see as many deer out in the woods anymore. I think it has to do with the increase in coyotes and cougars. There also was a parasite killing a some off a couple of years ago. See alot around houses though, five in my yard right now. My wife won't let me shoot any in the yard,(legally of course). Got a nice 3x4 two years ago. He had been in the yard, at different times, but I shot him at the far corner of Dad's property. 800' elevation drop in 1/4 mile. Easy pull with good handles!
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Post by Lavoy » Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:44 am

Our deer are so used to eating hay that they wouldn't know the difference. The woods here are just to hide in, and with 10's of thousands of acres of corn still in the field, no reason for them to even go to the trees now.

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Post by digitup2 » Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:50 pm


Here is a smart move some naturalist decided it would be twice as smart to feed the deer on the snowmobile trail just north of us .At this point between hitting the darned things and nearly killing some of the machine riders .The season is opened up for trail deer.They should have open season on naturalists I think But it gives you a good idea on just how many of these deer are out there.Digitup.

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Post by pop pop » Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:50 pm

i once worked with a city-fied gal that was so naive ,,,she could not comprehend that a chicken was actually a plump bird with feathers and a comb on top of its head.
she laughed and swore thats not what a chicken was...but she could not describe a chicken other than the cut up version in the store,
i got her to agree that foghorn leghorn was indeed a chicken, (a roooosta at that)
this gal was so gullable,,, next was the fact he had 2 peckers,,, it was all we(us guys at the company)could do to keep a straight face when she would become inquisitive, months would go by but sure enough the subject would come up. ,,heehee,,,in my defense, i never lied to her,,, and yes, she was blonde....
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Good Thread

Post by Pammark » Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:02 pm

I am glad to see this threat continuing on.

Let me give you an update of what is going on in Ohio. The HSUS tried to pounce in the state with their vegan attitudes like they did California and the State responded with a voter rule to set up an animal welfare board. This got voted in by a 64% majority. The HSUS is now trying to collect their 600,000 signitures to put a 2010 ballot issue in Nov to set minimum standards for this board to follow. The board is to be made up of experts in the field, not dictated by vegan activists. So the fight goes on.

Get this. The HSUS wording states they want to stop animal strangulation at meat processors. That is not done, more like a bullet to the head or slit throat. Make it quick. But the HSUS is good to plant thoughts in the unknown the horrors that are not used. Is this ethical?

The egg producers in California are being offered to relocate into other states as we speak, so the ball is in rotation to make eggs extinct in CA. Three more years and the city folk will wonder where the eggs went in their stores. They voted them out, dummies!

After hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, the HSUS cried and collected 34 million dollars to reunite pets with their owners. The state came down on them for only spending 7 million and pocketing the rest. The HSUS did help build an animal shelter to apease them as part of the 7 million.

Now with the earthquake in Haiti, the HSUS s trying their tricks to collect emergency money to help the poor animals wandering. With an island of hungry people, the wandering animals end up in a soup kettle. What animals?

It is pretty low for a group to work the city people to send dollars for projects that do not exist. We call them "Opportunists".

Keep in mind that when the HSUS does a rescue, it is a death sentence beacuse they do not have a shelter. The Michael Vick's dogs were killed.
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Post by CELSESSER » Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:33 pm

Check with your local animal shelter, I will bet you will find that they get all of their operating funds from local(county) taxes and private donations. Not from HSUS. HSUS is nothing more than a political action committee which uses the money that gullible people send them after seeing one of their inflamitory and missleading national commercials that are repeated over and over every night during primetime TV. Many of the images that they show at processing plants have long been illegal and if observed closes the plant immediatly(if the government employee is doing their job). The other immages of pet abuse come from legal action against the perpetrators(otherwise they wouldn't have the video) and many of the shots are from local animal shelters!!! People are so nieve. Bad shit happens out there but there is almost always someone who sees it and calls the sheriff and it is taken care of and it is not by the HSUS.
This is just part of the Political Correctness that we have let ourselves be controled by. Just watch all the TV adds, judging by the racial mix on them our nation must be 75% black( no, it's not Africa-American ) . From all the news shows and talk shows apperently only women are abused by neandrethal genetically abusive males. Never once have I heard it suggested that the man who beat,strangled, shot or whatever my have done it because of years of mental or even physical abuse by the women. These men don't just explode for no reason. When I point this out to what I would believe are rational people they look at me with a "How could you say such a thing" look. Brainwashed political correctness.
To hell with political correctness!!! If it looks like shit, smells like shit, feels like shit and tastes like shit, IT IS SHIT!!! Rant over
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Post by digitup2 » Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:06 pm

Funny you should mention that (well maybe not }One of my better laborers who is built like a bear wrestler was sleeping on the couch one night after a fairly heated debate with his wife .He woke up to what he thought was a hart attack .As he focused his eyes on what was hoovering over him noticed the the old girl with a baseball bat and it was heading back down for a second connection . He rolled out under her and ran out the door .The cops took her story and put him behind bars till they saw the bat marks.Like you say it can go both ways .Cops came to me for what they refer to as a character witness and I told them she is my second cousin and that side all go off the deep end yearly.Poor bugger just took her and the kids back in as she is full of cancer .I told him in private for your sake put the bats up !!.Digitup.

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