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Re: Why

Post by Seth » Thu Nov 30, 2017 4:37 pm

We have bounced around alot on this discussion, I think I have the add.

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Re: Why

Post by CuttingEdge » Tue Dec 05, 2017 4:47 am

I called my saw a rattle box and it has lived up to its name! I never had the bar nuts rattle off on my other saws, Stihl or Husky, after 2 months of use. It is so bad on this saw that they actually have keeper lugs on the bar nuts so they don't get lost, and twice in 2 month now, I have had to replace one of the bar nuts despite this feature.

Today the top handle hand blew out on me. I was cutting some big spruce and was limbing one out...first twitch of course...and was like 'man this suspension is loose'. I know its got a better suspension than the Stihl, but this was excessive. It was; pretty hard when three point contact was only two. I finished the twitch, but even for me, in the name of safety, I could not continue and had to stop and fix my saw...not what I wanted to do with rain coming in tomorrow.

I looked through my former Husky's in trying to fix it, but their top handle design is different , and naturally the saw shop is closed on Mondays so I had to drill it out and put in my own bolt. I tried to find a Stihl bolt to fit just out of spite, but sadly could not find one, that way I could forever call it a Stihusky 562. For now I will stick with the name "Rattle Saw."

I rattles so bad I have had to replace the bolts twice now that hold the bucking dogs on, and while those three things are it so far (bar nuts twice, bucking dog bolts twice and top handle bolt), it is enough for a 2 month old saw.

The dealer told me it was a disposable saw, so I guess I cannot say I was not warned, but while only a $750 chainsaw, they could at least make it so it does not rattle itself apart.
I have no intention of traveling to my grave in a well manicured body; instead I am going to slide into heaven with a big power turn, totally wore out with busted knuckles, jump off my dozer loudly yelling, Woo Hoo, another Shepard has just arrived!

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Re: Why

Post by Seth » Tue Dec 05, 2017 5:50 am

When it comes to saws, I bleed husky orange, I have had a 390 xp, my 372 xp and a worked over 361. Granted I don't use my saws as hard as you do, they have given me years of trouble free service. But it sounds like the new ones are junk. I am sorry you have so many issues with yours. Might have to jump ship and try a Stihl for my next saw if the new Husqvarna are all like yours.

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Re: Why

Post by Seth » Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:02 am

Got my idler back together, (thanks Lavoy for the wheel) When I took the track off, it wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be, swinging hammers in the oil field for a few years helped, but I didn't dream it would be such an s.o.b to get back together. Holy cow. It was 20 degrees an I was sweating my but off, for 3 hrs and to make things worse my wood stove caught the wall of my shop on fire. I can't fit the dozer in it but that's were my tools and stuff are so I was in and out all day. Thank goodness I walked in when I did and noticed smoke rolling out of my paneling. Well hopefully this is last last post for the Why post. Merry Christmas everyone.

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Re: Why

Post by CuttingEdge » Mon Dec 18, 2017 6:15 pm

I don't have a shop, so for the majority of my winter mechanic work, I am done. I need to rebuild my track adjusters on my 350D, and I have the parts, but the last week, it has been 10 degrees outside (f) and I have no place to work. Thankfully I have a good wife, and she understands the need for a shop, but December is not a great time to start building a building.

Adding insult to injury is my homemade sawmill I have that is nearly ready to go. That will go a long ways to ensuring I can build a new shop next spring. I figure I need something big enough to drive my skidder in, it would be nice to work on that out of the weather, and with that I could keep the ROPS on my bulldozer and drive that inside. Anyway that sawmill just needs a blade, an electric motor for it, and some counterweight stuff. Kind of a mish-mash of parts. It is off Procut Plans, but the chainsaw power head was super slow. As I joked, we would saw a board on the first day, and finish it the second. At 3/8 kerf, it also ate a lot into the log without producing a lot of boards. Put another way, 3/8 kerf means for every 8 boards produced, 3 are lost to sawdust. Yet a bandsaw is 1/16 kerf, so you only lose one board to sawdust to every 16 made into boards.

So I yanked off the carriage and added and subtracted with steel. Basically I took a 18 inch Gilliom Bandsaw I had kicking around and mounted it on the carriage sideways. This is a unique woodworking type bandsaw, where you buy the parts in kit form, and then put the bandsaw together yourself. I will just power it with a bigger electric motor and put a bigger blade on it. Will it work? No idea, but I have no money in it really. I am going with an electric motor because I have a log trailer and so bringing logs to my mill is easier then bringing my mill to the wood. It also is easier to power beacuse tehre is no clutch, just a switch.The carriage of the Procut is its best feature, mine is 24 feet long and has adjustment for the log. The biggest I can cut is a 18 x 24 inch timber, but jeesh, that is big enough for me. I figure if I can cut a few boards and framing lumber now and then, I can build my shop reasonably enough. Concrete, insulation and steel roofing has always been my biggest cost on building.
I have no intention of traveling to my grave in a well manicured body; instead I am going to slide into heaven with a big power turn, totally wore out with busted knuckles, jump off my dozer loudly yelling, Woo Hoo, another Shepard has just arrived!

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