The Dipstick Diaries

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Stan Disbrow
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Re: The Dipstick Diaries

Post by Stan Disbrow » Sat May 19, 2018 7:54 am


And, another...not quite Dipstick in nature, though. I decided to drop out the oil in the 350C trans and finals. Smelled a little old on the dipstick. You know, a slight odor of mustiness it gets. No big deal, right? Well....

The drain plugs on both finals 1/2" pipe with the usual square hole for a 3/8 socket drive. Both a little buggered, which is always par for the used equipment courses I have played. I got that knocked. Long ago, I took a cheap short extension and ground a bit of taper onto the very end. Get a buggered hole, set tool against it, tap with a hammer. Goes right in. Once the plug is out, a short time in the machine shop to fix it, or grab a new one. Easy.

Worked on both final plugs, and easily fixed up afterwards. Not the trans plug. The one which you get to thru a hole in the bash plate. Can see it only across the face. And, I can't get the tool in. For an hour I messed around. Even increased the taper on my tool. Twice. No Go.

Maybe it is something different. So, to the parts catalog to get a number and then to the internet to look up more data on the plug. Ah. Don't need the computer. Part is listed as Pipe Plug, 1/2", Hex. Hex? Why is that different than the other two. Flip pages. Ah. It isn't different in the book. All were Hex originally. Go get the proper tool, and out it came.

So, now I am going to make them all the same. I have CRS, and in a few years when I go to do this again, I won't recall it is different. And, I *would* be a dipstick if I allowed this to happen all over again! :P

There's No Such Thing As A Cheap Crawler!

Useta Have: '58 JD 420c 5-roller w/62 inside blade
Useta Have: '78 JD350C w/6310 outside blade
Useta Have: '68 JD350, '51 Terratrac GT-25
Have: 1950 M, 2005 x495, 2008 5103 (now known as 5045D)

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