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Post by townlineterry » Wed Mar 14, 2018 3:59 pm

Got snowed in today and bored. So here is something I have been wondering about. How common is it to have no interest in sports?
When I was a kid I played pickup baseball and football with the other guys in the neighborhood, and enjoyed it. After one year of high school football, playing bench, I pretty much lost all interest in sports.
I enjoy hunting and fishing but organized sports do not interest me at all. Cannot tell you who won the Superbowl or the Series. Cannot name a basketball play hockey player or a NASCAR driver. Have not watched a game or a race on tv in forty years. When conversation turns to sports I usually wander off.
Not complaining, I have better things to do than watch grown men play with balls. Just curious if I am the only one that feels this way.


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Re: Sports

Post by amos » Wed Mar 14, 2018 5:50 pm

Hi Terry,
You're not alone. I stopped watching team sports decades ago when it turned into big business. I did use to go to a farm league baseball game pretty regular until they moved the franchise.
Pro level anything is all about the money and to me is a waste of time and MY money.Is any ball player really worth millions to tens of millions a year?
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Re: Sports

Post by dtoots1 » Wed Mar 14, 2018 5:59 pm

I too have very little desire to even watch for free!!..

Example.....was at a National Meeting in the home office and they wanted to take entire group to see baseball game at KC stadium, my home team was playing theirs!!.....I told the Vice Pres of the company that I was not interested in going, course i am a maverick. Did not go outfor sports as I worked full time after school and certainly was not interested in joining. I did play roughhouse football with some of the players and baseball, but at 115 lbs then, i had to be pretty fast, they all weighed close to 200.

Otherside of it is...i am NOT paying to see these "overpaid" premadonnas. I too even liked fast cars and worked at the drag way, but that was way too expensive to play with and tear em up. Not that i didn't do it 1 time on the drag way....

Guess i am getting to be too "old school".....i enjoy working on these old machine and getting em going and our bowling league, summers are a bit busy with baling and loading hay with my nephew.

And no i don't talk sports either.

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Re: Sports

Post by townlineterry » Wed Mar 14, 2018 6:46 pm

Nice to hear I'm not the only one. The other thing we don't do, and this really throws people, is we do not have a t.v. Well we have one but no cable or satilite. Once in awhile we get a dvd from the library, but that is the extent of it. Last movie we saw in a theatre was Dances With Wolves. Nice thing is the wife is just fine with this lifestyle. We both like the quiet, last house on a dead end road, 50 acres and we are surrounded by national forest. Nearest neighbor is a mile away and he minds his own business.

We have a 18 month old granddaughter, at home the tv is always on. When we watch her she is just fine without it, we always find something to do.

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Re: Sports

Post by B Town » Wed Mar 14, 2018 7:20 pm

I couldn't agree more with the above comments!! The way I figure, if I am watching others, I am falling behind because I am not doing what I am supposed to and want to. I have yet to meet any man or woman that is worth more in one year than I can generate/earn in 10 lifetimes! Just saying, Bruce

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Re: Sports

Post by townlineterry » Fri Mar 16, 2018 6:05 am

Another time waster I don't understand is computer games. How could anybody sit all day in front of a computer or a tv screen killing or chasing or what ever it is fake what evers that they do? This is opposed to doing something productive like sitting at a computer and talking about 60 year old crawlers.
We had a son-in-law who is a gamer. Notice I said "had". Our girl finally caught on that a 32 year old spending his evenings and weekends playing call of duty was never going to grow up. So she moved out left him with his play station, ramen noodles and pepsi for breakfast and got a divorce got herself some hunk of a forest ranger and started having fun.

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Re: Sports

Post by dtoots1 » Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:49 am

well that gets into another "peeve" .....these damn cell phones and youtube and whatever the h....ll they are getting into and while driving?? what in the world is wrong with these people... Hate to say it but....seems they be getting thinned down a bit, but others suffer too..

Folks on my bowling league can't even pay attention to their bowling....gotta be on the cells!!! and it AINT just the younger folk either!!

I am 75 and have a cell as well, but use only when not otherwise occupied and only when needed period.....if battery aint run down.

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